Architectural and Artistic Interest

Architectural interest includes both the design, or style of a heritage asset and the level of intactness of that design. The condition of a heritage asset will not preclude it from having Architectural Interest unless it has been altered beyond the point of it being recognisable as a heritage asset.

The factors that contribute to architectural interest include: architectural style, building materials, methods of craft and construction, decoration and composition.

Architectural Interest is also derived from the Intactness of these factors and the overall legibility of the design of that heritage asset. This is more applicable to buildings, structures, and landscapes than it is to sites of archaeological interest. Intactness can be represented through: original features such as windows/doors/roof covering; planting etc.

Artistic interest derives from the way in which people experience and react to the asset, its aesthetic value and its contribution to the area in which it is found.

Guidance and Support for Members of the Public

Architectural Interest applies more to buildings & structures. Artistic Interest applies more to areas & landscapes, buildings, ruins & structures and also to the interrelationship between all of these asset types.

When assessing Buildings for their heritage significance through the legibility of its design you could consider the following questions:

  • What is the pattern of fenestration? Is it original, or has it been altered through movement, enlargement, or reduction?
  • Are any doors in their original placement, or have they been moved?
  • Are the windows and doors original, history or modern replacements? What style and materials are these features?
  • Is the original construction material visible, if so what is it? If not, what is visible?
  • What is the roof covering material? Is this original, historic or modern?

When assessing Areas & Landscapes for their heritage significance through their design and formation you could consider the following questions:

  • Are elements of planting readable in the landscape? This could be the pattern of planting but also age of planting, in particularly of trees which have greater longevity than seasonal planting of flowers.
  • Are there notable views and vistas? These may be internal within the landscape but also outside of its boundary towards other assets that the landscape may have group value with.
  • Are there any notable features such as ponds, lakes, ha-has, mounds, terracing, avenues etc?
  • Are there identifiable field patterns in the landscape that illustrate historic agricultural practice or the structure of society?
  • Are there identifiable patterns between the landscape and built features that illustrate design intent and aesthetic use of the landscape? (Note this should be recorded in Group Value as well).