Yew Bank Cottage


71 - 73 Ashton Lane, Sale M33 5PE



Roofed and walled permanent structures.


Detached brick built property, single pile. Segmental brick arch above door. 8 by 8 sashes (possible replacements) small cottage plot. The plaque on the front of the building states it was built in 1845 and the architecture of the building seems to agree with this dating, although a building is shown in this location on the Ashton upon Mersey tithe map of 1841. It remains one of the few cottages of this type in the Ashton-Upon-Mersey Area, if not the whole of Sale. There are historic maps which shows that the building existed as far back as 1870, though it looks to have been two residences back then. Where all around it, later buildings are infilled, it's immediate neighbour is now 1960s style flats, this cottage remains. I feel it is significant to note this building down as part of the local list campaign.


Statement of Significance

Asset type

The asset is a moderately rare example of mid-19th Century vernacular architecture. It is a prominent feature of Ashton Lane, particularly at its location within 1930s and 1960s buildings.


The building's plaque lists a 1845 build. Historic mapping shows the building existed by 1870 and the architectural style agrees with a mid-19th century dating, whilst a building is shown in this location on the 1841 tithe map.


There are not many of this type and stye of cottage in the area.

Architectural and Artistic Interest

A good example of mid-19th-century architecture and an overall aesthetically pleasing building.

Historic Interest

The building demonstrates mid-19th century way of life and further digging may provide details of previous occupants who lived and worked in the area.

Archaeological Interest

Historic mapping shows that surrounding the asset there were fields, possibly used for agricultural purposes but further digging may need to be applied to further investigate an archeaological interest, it cannot be ruled out.

Images and Documents


Date Listed

31 Mar 2023

Last Updated

01 Jan 2022

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