Witcham village sign


The Slade, Witcham, Ely, Cambs.


Landmark, art work or way finder

Assets whose form and function are readily visible, but which are not Buildings. This category includes signage and works of art such as murals and statues.


1980 pictorial village sign (replaced in 2018), in painted timber showing village fire engine and haywain set in cylindrical brick base. A good contribution to a distinctive, albeit recent, East Anglian tradition, commissioned by Witcham Women's Institute.


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Street furniture


1980, 2018


Unique to village

Architectural and Artistic Interest

Artistic interest

Historic Interest

‘The history of village signs starts from the turn of the 20th century, when Edward VII was Prince of Wales. He had commissioned signs for the villages in the Sandringham Estate. The signs were carved by the Queen Alexandra Carving School located in the Estate. Prior to the Silver Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II only 3 village signs existed in Cambridgeshire…Balham, Cottenham and Castle Camps. However the celebration of the Queen’s Silver Jubilee in 1977 occasioned over 40 signs to be commissioned…Today there over 130 village signs…The counties of Norfolk and Suffolk predominate with over 350 and 200 signs respectively, [but]…Cambridgeshire ranks third…’ 'Village Signs of North Cambridgeshire' Ian MacEachern 1993 SB Publications, Seaford, Sussex.

Images and Documents


Witcham village sign - south side


Witcham village sign - north side

Date Listed

16 Jul 2024

Last Updated

19 Jun 2024

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