The LHLP provides great flexibility in how user accounts are managed, depending on local circumstances. There are three main decisions to be made:
- Whether or not to allow new users to register. If a project is being undertaken by a pre-selected group whose accounts can all be created during the setup phase, there may be no need to allow new registrations. However if a project is seeking to engage new members of the community in creating and managing the Local Heritage List, then it is more likely that registration will be permitted.
- What information to collect during registration (if it is enabled). This can be as little as an email and password, or can extend to any number of questions - for example asking for contact details, asking about previous experience, or how much time per week a volunteer might be able to contribute.
- Whether new user accounts needs to be approved, and whether they can immediately start working on submitting asset records for consideration for the Local Heritage List. One mode is that no approval is needed, but the user's email address needs to be confirmed. Another mode is that each user's account needs to be approved by another user who is in an administrative role. This means more work for the administrators, but provides an opportunity to engage with each new user, perhaps to contact them and discuss training. In this mode that requires approval, notifications are sent to configured email address(es) when any new user registers, and the project will need to decide which user(s) are responsible for the approval process.
Note that existing user accounts can be locked out, or deleted, if any user turns out to be contravening terms and conditions. Also that users are entitled to delete their own accounts should they so desire. The LHLP provides functionality for these scenarios.