Whitehill Centre


White Hill, Chesham



Roofed and walled permanent structures.


Formerly Whitehill School, now in use as offices with a community and arts centre.


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Former school building, and now a community centre


Built as a school in 1890

Architectural and Artistic Interest

Two-storey, red brick, hipped and slated roof, domed cupola, single-storey extension to the south. Extensive windows on frontage overlooking the town. Main building is in 'I' formation, with perpendicular wings to the north and south. Crenellated gables to each wing, with smaller crenellated dormers on central front. Typical victorian school architecture.

Historic Interest

As a large school serving the town from 1895 to 1967, the building has strong local historic association for generations of Chesham residents who may have schooled there. The publication 'Whitehill School, 1890 – 1990: The Story of a Landmark' is available from the Chesham Museum and has further details of historical interest. Whitehill School in the 1950s: 'As a child growing up in Chesham I went to Waterside,Townsend, then off to Whitehill. We wore uniforms with Navy blue undies that also served as our gym shorts. How I hated them. I would slip the liberty bodice off in the outside toilets as soon as I arrived! We had houses and I was in Percival House; we even took the shield one year, 1953 or 54 I think. Miss Dyer was a force to be reckoned with. As I lived close (at 76 White Hill) I was never allowed to be late as I had to meet Miss Dyer where she parked her car and carry her basket to her office. Once I was caned with her ruler for eating chips in the High Street – not becoming for young Ladies of her school. One day a week we walked unattended to Waterside School. The house next to the school was where we had cookery classes. We were given a passage of scripture every Monday morning to be able to recite on Friday. Also we went to the swimming baths. We used to stand and freeze in our swim suits. Teacher would say ‘all in the pool. Now swim’. She had 2 frogs she would set in the pool (to chase us as we thought). It worked – we swam! I used to be milk and bun monitor. Two pennies bought a bun and milk, twopence halfpenny a doughnut. At dinner-time we all filed into the main hall and received our plates. Teacher sat at one end of the table to make sure we all ate every bit. Dreaded macaroni pudding or rice pudding was the worst. One time potatoes were unobtainable so we had extra bread in place of them.' by Jean Overby (nee Godden) Whitehill Infants in the 1920s: 'The first three rooms were for infants, the far ground floor for the senior girls with Miss Morrison, upstairs the senior boys with Stan Cox as headmaster. I remember when I was seven and the class was asked if anyone would like to fetch a pint of milk from Wilfred White’s every day, in Broad Street. My hand shot up and I was chosen to go. This was great. I enjoyed walking down the hill and watching the coal carts on the weighing machine in the goods’ yard. I was spellbound looking at the sacks being hoisted up at Chesham Brewery, smelling the distinct smell of hops and seeing a sudden whiff of smoke from the steam engines conveying coal trucks onto different rails. I would get the milk in the jug “1¾d please”. I held the ¼d tightly and the milk for Miss Cuthbertson, the Head of the Infants. “Keep the change” she would say, but alas often the correct money was given to me and there wasn’t any change. I knew we were not well off, but not as poor as some children my age. My main fear was that I would be sent with the ‘poor kids’ to Darvells bakers for free soup at dinner time. This did not happen and I often had sandwiches. There was much unemployment then, no holidays or sick benefits. Illness was a tragedy for us. It meant debt and going without for Mum.' by Ron Mayne. Born 1923.

Landmark Status

The building occupies a prominent elevated position overlooking the north end of the town and is visible in many contemporary and historic photographs.

Images and Documents


Whitehill School, probably c1940s. Railway goods yard in front.


Article on the White Hill Centre, from Chesham Focus, Autumn 2019


Current floor plan (whitehillcentre.org.uk)




Aerial view (whitehillcentre.org.uk)


View over White Hill approx 1940s (whitehillcentre.org.uk)


The White Hill Centre, Chesham, visible from across town at Lowndes Park


Class of girls at Whitehill School, Chesham, probably 1910s.

Date Listed

11 Jan 2023

Last Updated

19 Feb 2022

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