Woodheys Club


299 Washway Road, Sale M33 4EE



Roofed and walled permanent structures.


A mid-19th-century villa residence, representing an early stage in the evolution of the area as a desirable Victorian suburb to Manchester. Annotated 'Woodheys' on the Ordnance Survey 1st Edition 1:2500 map of 1874. The original building had a broadly square plan, and comprises brick with ashlar quoins and stone cills and lintels to the windows, and a hipped slate roof.


Statement of Significance


Mid-19th century; absent from the Sale tithe map of c.1845.

Historic Interest

Woodheys was the home of William Brookes in the 19th century and after several owners subsequently, it became a private school in the 1930s; the building is identified as Kent House (School) on the 3rd Revision Ordnance Survey 1:2500 map of 1934. The property was purchased by Groves & Whitnalls the Salford brewers prior to the Second World War, and was frequented during the war by members of the Home Guard. The Woodheys Club was founded at the end of the Second World War in 1945 by the B & C Companies of the 23rd Cheshire Battalion of the Home Guard. The Club consisted of two rooms, one with two snooker tables and a second front room which was used for functions. Upstairs there was a self contained flat which, over the years, housed the Stewards and their spouses.

Landmark Status

Woodheys is a rare reminder of the type of buildings that formed the 19th-century landscape of the area.

Images and Documents


Date Listed

19 Apr 2023

Last Updated

01 Jan 2022

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