Rignalls Cottage, Great Missenden


Rignalls Cottage, Mapridge Green Lane, Great Missenden Buckinghamshire, HP16 9PH



Roofed and walled permanent structures.


Attractive 1920’s cottage to North-Western edge of Great Missenden, in the style of the local builders Wright’s & set within a complimentary cottage-garden. Now in separate ownership, the plot original sat within the grounds of a house nearby house called Rignalls (Grade II).


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Purpose built cottage.




Relatively unaltered & original in form, likewise the setting within the garden & position in relation to Mapridge Green Lane.

Architectural and Artistic Interest

Delightful, yet modestly sized composition in mature garden, of brick construction under a roof of clay tiles. There is an original gate, leading to an old path up to the front door where there is a little enclosed porch featuring the original front door of oak with inset ‘bullseye’ glass panel & decorative metal hinges matching those on the front gate. There is a little hipped roof over. The remainder of the facade comprises a single gable. On the ground-floor, is a little window to the right of the entrance door & a larger window over to the first-floor. The first-floor window is set centrally, the ground-floor one offset slightly to the left. Much of the brickwork to the facade is obscured by vegetation, including considerable ivy. Above the top of the first-floor window, is some horizontal timber (weatherboard) stained black. Above, an original chimney can be seen. Little else can be seen from the road, although there appears to be extension to the rear, of which the most recent was a conservatory permitted in 1986. To the corners, the bricks to every fifth course has been replaced with 3 courses of tiles to create a decorative quoin effect, which can be better seen to the later projection sitting to the side adjacent to the front-door, although this feature is repeated from the original core. Replacement modern windows, casement openings, imitation leaded-light glass in plastic frames.

Group Value

Set below Rignalls Lodge (see separate listing), which leads to Rignalls (Grade II) & close to the garden of Rignalls (see separate listing by Bucks. Gardens Trust).

Historic Interest

Whilst unknown whether Rignalls Cottage was built to accompany Rignalls - although the name does tend to suggest this - the plot the cottage sits on was originally part of the grounds of the big house. The main house is now Grade II listed & the gardens surrounding the house were designed by Gertrude Jekyll.

Landmark Status

Low - pretty cottage visible from road, albeit fairly quite.

Images and Documents


Looking up the front path.


Original plan of gardens/ grounds for Rignalls by Gertrude Jekyll. The site of Rignalls Cottage is taken from the bottom-left corner of the area shaded red.


From the road.




Origianal pedestrian entrance.

Date Listed


Last Updated

20 Mar 2023