How can I identify if a site is already listed or nominated?
You can view our List or Map to see sites that have been nominated. These will be 'candidates' for local listing until they have been approved by committee. To view which sites or buildings already have national protection you will need to Register. Once registered and logged into the platform you will be able access the full mapping functionality. Icons to the left of the screen allow you to search, to select asset types from the Local List, or to view Nationally Listed or Scheduled sites. The folded map icon also allows you to change the base mapping, options include aerial views or historic mapping to help you to pinpoint sites or aid your research.
I'm struggling to nominate an asset online and need help?
Try watching our video tutorial and the instructions on how to nominate a site. If you come across an issue that isn't covered please feel free to email us at: To assist with accessibility we can email you a nomination form that can be printed out. Completed forms should be emailed or posted to the Council Offices in Aylesbury (instructions included on the form).
I've placed my map marker in the wrong place, how can I move it?
In Map click on the marker you want to move. Details of the asset will appear in the left of your screen, select this / Edit Details / Next Page. Zoom in on the map window as close as you can and click on the new location (no need to drag the marker) / Exit Wizard. Finally you can check in Maps that you are happy with the new location.
Is there a deadline for nominations?
The Buckinghamshire Local List will continue to evolve and expand over time. We are encouraging early nominations with the aim of formally adopting a large proportion of the successful nominations by Summer 2022. We will continue to review the list and consider new sites after this date.
Do I need permission from the owner to nominate a site?
There is no requirement to seek permission prior to nomination, the list will be subject to a process of specialist review and adoption by Council Committee Members. When registering to the site you can choose an anonymous screen name if you prefer.
Do I need to submit photographs from all sides of a building?
You should not trespass on someone else's property. All photographs that are submitted should be taken from the public domain unless you own the property or have the express permission of the owners.
Will I hear if my nomination has been accepted or not?
Unfortunately we will not be able to contact individual nominees. The adopted Local list will be published on this platform, the Council website and the online Historic Environment Record.
1. How was the Local Heritage List funded?
1.1 In March 2021 Buckinghamshire Council was one of 22 Local Planning Authorities awarded a grant of £70k from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC - formerly the MHCLG) to develop a Local Heritage List.
2. What is the purpose of a Local Heritage List?
2.1 The Local Heritage List seeks to identify locally significant non-designated heritage assets (NDHAs) and to celebrate their contribution to local identity and character. This is different to statutory listing and designations (e.g., Grade I, II and II* Listed Buildings, Scheduled Monuments, and Registered Parks and Gardens), which are assessed nationally by Historic England.
2.2 The Buckinghamshire Local Heritage List includes historic buildings (houses, chapels, agricultural and industrial buildings), archaeological sites (upstanding earthwork remains and buried sites), formal gardens, public open spaces, public works of art, monuments and street furniture.
2.3 Local listing as a non-designated heritage asset will be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications affecting the fabric, character or setting of the asset. Assets will then be afforded consideration in the planning process under the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) paragraph 197 and will help to inform future local policies and creation of Neighbourhood Plans.
2.4 Local Listing improves clarity for owners and all interested parties, as significance is identified as part of the assessment process and the list is published on the Council’s website and the Historic Environment Record (HER).
3. Will Local Listing restrict my Permitted Development rights?
3.1 No, Local Listing does not affect Permitted Development Rights. The identification of an asset does not alter existing Permitted Development Rights and as such does not preclude change, however it does enable change to be managed through the planning process and where relevant to ensure that significance is protected.
3.2 Furthermore, Listed Building Consent (LBC) will not be required for works to a property that is locally listed.
4. How are sites assessed?
4.1 We have a Review Panel Protocol that sets out the decision-making process underpinning the Local Heritage List Project. The assessment and review process is crucial to ensure candidate sites meet the agreed criteria and reflect Historic England Advice Note 7.
The assessment criteria are set out in detail and with some Buckinghamshire examples on our web platform here:
Each nominated candidate site has a High, Medium or Low rating against each of the criteria points. These scores are then extrapolated into an overall High, Medium or Low rating, for discussion at Panel. For each candidate site, the Review Panel makes one of the following recommendations:
Recommended to Cabinet for Local Listing – meets the criteria.
Recommended to Cabinet for rejection – does not meet the criteria.
Recommend to Cabinet for removal – no longer meets the criteria.
Further information required – put back to ‘Candidate Work in Progress’ for further enriching.
5. How does adoption of the list happen?
5.1 Sites that meet the criteria for local listing are taken forward to Buckinghamshire Council’s Cabinet for adoption. Phase 1 was adopted by Cabinet on 5th January 2022 and we intend to bring the Phase 2 list forward for adoption later in 2023. Beyond that, future amendments to the list (additions or removals) could potentially be approved by the Cabinet Member on a periodic basis.
5.2 Where it is possible to identify owners of locally listed assets, they will be informed in writing of this decision.
6. How do I search the list?
6.1 Firstly, go to our fantastic online Local Heritage List platform:
6.2 The sites ready for adoption are most easily viewed on our Local Heritage List platform by looking at the map and clicking on the icons on the map. The dark blue symbols indicate Locally Listed sites, the others are still being assessed.
7. Can I appeal?
7.1 The local list is publicly accessible, and anyone can comment and make representation, which will be considered. Should an owner choose to challenge the identification of their property as a non-designated heritage asset, they will be able to contact the heritage team and we will reconsider the assessment of their property. In such cases, we would expect that new information or evidence would be provided to demonstrate why the property should not be a non-designated heritage asset. Re-assessment will not necessarily change the outcome. Concerns should be emailed to
7.2 It is worth noting that there is no statutory requirement for public consultation when identifying or recognising a building or site as a non-designated heritage asset.
8. How many sites are on the Local List?
8.1 Since launching in August 2021, the Local Heritage List (LHL) project has been very successful. We have:
Received 2653 nominations for the Local Heritage List - these vary considerably and include telephone boxes, milestones, parkland, public art, archaeological sites and buildings of all ages, including numerous dwellings, historic warehouses and chapels. 771 sites were adopted in Phase 1 on 5th January 2023.
9. How can I get involved?
9.1 We strongly welcome public engagement and we already have 198 users signed up to the online platform and a core team of volunteers.
You can contact our Local Heritage List Project Officer at and also find out more on our website here:
We have also run a series of online and in-person talks and events and we have run working parties with volunteers, including Cultural Heritage Students from the Royal Agricultural University and the Young Archaeologist’s Club
So far we have engaged with over 40 groups and organisations, including 17 Parish Councils and other stakeholders, such as Transport for London, Canals and Rivers Trust, and Chilterns Conservation Board.