St. Aidan’s Church, Little Chalfont


St. Aidan’s Church Finch Lane Little Chalfont Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 9NE



Roofed and walled permanent structures.


Post-War Catholic Church situated off busy road between Amersham-on-the-Hill & Little Chalfont, adjoining small area of open space on corner of Finch Lane & White Lion Road including a pond. A building of Local Note, to this area.


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Roman Catholic Church.


Early 1960’s, opening in ‘64.


‘The’ local Catholic Church.

Architectural and Artistic Interest

Fairly simple & typical building of the period, yet functional for the intended purpose. Compliments setting nicely, as such has been well designed to fit onto the site - originally part of the grounds of Beel House - being positioned between the formal avenue up to the big house & area of open space on the junction of Finch Lane & White Lion. The pond gives a pleasing setting. Distinctive, then contemporary take on the Portico & spire above with cross mounted to top. Building principally constructed of a mellow coloured brick, in stretcher bond. Original windows & frames, part-wooden/ part-metal, incorporating leaded glass. Spire appears to be clad in wooden shingles, with a lead capping which adjoins the cross on top. Square base from pitched & tiled roof, with relatively low angle & gables, before tappering, initially at a lesser angle before becoming much steeper. Designed by local architect A. H. Archard, whose known work seems to focus upon designs for ‘mid-century’ Churches - as well as enlargement of older ones. He trained before the war, subsequently working in partnership as Marshall & Archard, prior to practicing as Archard & Partners.

Group Value

Situated near the junction of the 2 roads already mentioned. As such, there is group value to both. With White Lion Road, to the left-hand side of the Church is the approach up to Beel House. As such, are adjacent railings, gate piers & gates, which are Grade II listed. Adjacent to these, on the other side, is the Grade II listed Beel Lodge. At the far end of this drive, is the Grade II* listed Country House called Beel House. Whilst even further away the Walled Garden behind Beel House, is also Grade II listed, as is a cottage near to this. On the Finch Lane side, to the rear of the Church’s boundary sits Bottle Cottage that is Grade II listed. There are also some old cottages across Finch Lane, which could also be nominated for Local Listings.

Historic Interest

This area is still known locally as Amersham Common, although as far as postal addresses & street signage goes, the Amersham ‘half’ is now incorporated into Amersham & the Little Chalfont ‘half’ into that. Historically, this whole are - except for a few old houses & cottages, of varying size, as well as a few farmsteads & public houses - was undeveloped countryside, until the early C20th. The whole area of Amersham-on-the-Hill was much the same, with that name only being used from about 1910, with previously Amersham Common covering area to. Likewise, with Little Chalfont, that name came into use in the 1920’s, with the area before having been part of Amersham Common & the Northern periphery of Chalfont St. Giles. The arrival of the Railway, in 1892, together with subsequent development, turned in this area into quintessential ‘Metroland’. This Church is as a result of the significant population increase & - at the same time - by being built on part of the old Beel House parkland, retains that link to the significant & centuries old historic house for this locality.

Landmark Status

Faces busy White Lion Road & has noticeable enough facade, coupled with addition perspective from Finch Lane that is surprising attractive.

Images and Documents


Adjoining Presbytery, with Church Hall behind.


Date Listed


Last Updated

28 Jan 2023