Welcome to Wirral's Local Listing. Here you will find lots of information about our Local Listing project, including guidance on how you can get involved and nominate historic candidates for the list.
We are one of the 22 areas chosen to benefit from an allocation of £1.5million by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) to develop a local heritage list for the Merseyside region. This project covers the area of Wirral. Public nominations for Wirral assets to be added to the list can be received until 30 April 2025.
What is Local Listing?
The Wirral has a rich history with many historic assets of local interest and value which contribute positively to the character and identity of the area. These historic assets can be buildings, works of art, or objects such as a village pump or traditionally built wall. Assets can be urban or rural, can be of striking architectural quality or traditional, humble construction, can be valued for links to historic people and events, demonstrate early innovation or provide evidence about past human activity that improves our understanding and links the present to the past. It is about identifying aspects of our past which have value and meaning so that this can be studied and understood in order to pass it onto future generations. Once on the local list, the significance of assets is therefore, recognised and can be afforded consideration in planning applications.
The Local List is a way to identify and learn more about our shared heritage and aspects of our environment which make Wirral a distinct and valued place. For more information on the local listing please refer to Historic England Guidance.
How to get involved
Local Listing needs the involvement of the communities who live, work and learn in the area, as they are best placed to understand and identify their heritage and significant assets that contribute to the sense of place.
We are encouraging anyone with an interest in heritage to nominate candidates for inclusion on the list. First, Register using the link above then once your registration has been confirmed, you can nominate assets, using the selection criteria and the relevant local area heritage summary as a guide to what we are looking for. For more information on how to do this, please see the Getting Involved section.
To help you identify the types of assets suitable for the list, please see the Local Listing Criteria section. To see what is already on the list you can click 'Map' or 'List' on the menu above.
We are also looking for Volunteers to help us with the project. If you want to volunteer with us please Email here.
You should find everything you need to know about Local Listing, but if you have any questions or comments, please Email here.