Sources of Research

Sources of Research

It can be useful to undertake some research into the heritage candidate that you are proposing for inclusion on the Local Heritage List.

For all proposed candidates we recommend you check the Merseyside Historic Environment Record (HER) which contains known information on heritage assets.  However, we will also check the record for any new nominations.  Any new information brought forward by nominators when creating a record for a candidate may also be added to the HER.  The Merseyside HER can be accessed via the Heritage Gateway

Libraries can be useful sources of information on past lives and events and there are several local historic societies and groups that may be able to provide supporting information and guidance on the local area.  Some of the libraries may also be able to help you with your nomination.  Below are some suggestions, and don’t forget historic books and guides which may also be helpful. 

Local Reference Libraries:

Knowsley -  Library     Archive services:  Archives Records Knowsley 

Sefton - Sefton Libraries

Wirral - Wirral Library and Archive Services

Regional and National Libraries and Archives:

Prior to the formation of the Merseyside region, Knowsley, Sefton and Wirral local authorities geographically fell under Lancashire or Cheshire county and therefore, the archives for these areas could be relevant.

Lancashire Archives 

Cheshire Archives and Local Studies:

Liverpool Archives:

National Archives 

British Library 

Other resources:

Local Historic groups and civic societies may be able to help you find useful and relevant information or help you with the nomination process.  There are a range of local groups in the table below with links to the website for those in blue:

Ainsdale Civic Society
Wirral History and Heritage Association
Birkdale Civic Society
North Meols Civic Society 
Wirral Society
Crosby and District Historical Society
Prescot History Society
Merseyside Archaeological Society
Formby Civic Society
Southport Civic Society
Merseyside Industrial Heritage Society

For residents in Southport, Secret Sandland is a website of the history of the area you could visit.

You could also contact your local parish council for historic knowledge and information.

Researching old maps can provide a helpful picture of development in a local area:  

Old maps online:

National Library of Scotland:  has an array of modern and historic maps to compare development periods.

Other useful sites include:

Merseyside Industrial Heritage Society

Genealogy Site with lots of supporting information: 

University of Leicester has a large collection of historic Trade Directories -

Please note that, although every effort is made to ensure the validity of the links here, the Merseyside Local Heritage List project cannot be held responsible for the information held on external sites nor to their operation and how this may affect you.