Local Listing Criteria

To ensure the Merseyside Local List remains special, and only includes heritage assets that are of authentic local significance, we will not be seeking to designate every bit of heritage. As the Government identifies in the National Planning Policy Framework (2021), the “substantial majority” of buildings have little or no heritage interest, with only a minority of buildings ever having enough significance or value that justifies material consideration in a planning context. If we do not provide sufficient scrutiny at all the stages, we could discredit or devalue the project overall. As such, to establish if a nominated heritage asset has the potential to be added to a Local List, careful assessment and judgment needs to be applied to evaluate its significance.  For the Local Heritage List project, there is a focus on the contribution the asset makes to the character of areas and its value to local people. For example, Conservation Area Appraisals identify buildings and features that make a positive contribution in these areas, these can be found on local authority websites.

What types of assets?

The type of potential assets that could be included on the Local List is wide ranging.  Initially, the Merseyside Local List will focus on buildings and built structures and landmarks across Knowsley, Sefton and Wirral which could include:

Buildings in urban or rural locations; dwellings, or related to industry, leisure, transport, religion, military. 

Buildings may be fully or partially intact but the degree to which it relates to original plan and form and retains original materials may be a factor

Monuments with strong communal and aesthetic value

Street furniture and other structures; milestones, boundary stones, post boxes, lamp posts, statues, street surfaces (e.g. Cobbled roads), traditionally built walls, gates, railings and bridges may also be considered

The more intact the building, the better, though structures without roofs or in disrepair could be considered where there is evidence of rare construction methods for example, or if there is a strong historic or communal value.  Statues with widespread communal value could be included and those that may be considered as having landmark status would also be considered.  Knowsley are also looking for nominations that include old bridges, stone slab walls and would encourage industrial heritage assets to be nominated as these represent a key aspect of the local area.  As the project evolves, we may broaden the range of assets that may be considered for inclusion.

NB: Nominations for assets where there are current planning applications registered, may not be accepted by some local authorities.

Local Area Heritage Statements

We have provided some guidance to the types of buildings and built structures that each Borough is interested in and how we will treat proposals in Conservation Areas. Read these along with the Selection Criteria (click on the images for a pdf): 


Once your proposal fits into the 'Asset type' category of building or built structure, it must also fit with TWO other criterion, fully explained in the selection criteria.  Click the links on the red toolbar for more about each criterion.