Historic Interest

Coach House Bowring Road, a remnant of the Roby Hall complex (image courtesy Knowsley.gov.uk)

For this criterion, historic interest can be in a local, national or international context in relation to people and events.  Equally a candidate could illustrate important aspects of the area's social, economic, cultural or military history.  If the asset has a clear and strong connection to a locally or nationally important person, historical event or has strong social and communal interest, they may be considered for inclusion on the Local List.  Examples include:

  • Buildings or structures associated with an important historic figure or event 
  • Most War memorials would be considered
  • Buildings and structures associated with early industry, transport, agriculture could be considered
  • Fine or rare examples of buildings that illustrate local social, economic or cultural history may be considered

Buildings or structures where historic interest alone is the main reason for nominating, will not be considered.  They must meet other criteria too.  Don't forget to refer to the Local Area Heritage Summaries for further guidance.

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Age   Rarity   Architectural Interest   Group Value   Archaeological Interest   Landmark Status