Assessment/Nomination Form

This page contains an assessment and nomination template form which will help you establish the key features of a heritage asset. The form will help us provide a consistent way of assessing a heritage asset and determine its significance. This template captures the main points required to assess the value of a heritage asset and has been adapted to fit with existing criteria used by Local Authorities who already have a Local List. This form is based on a national standard recommended by Historic England to ensure consistency.

Click here to open a printable PDF version of the nomination form 

Name and Address of the Candidate Heritage Asset:


Ward (if known):

ASSET TYPE - What Is It? 
Describe the type of asset that is being nominated

Is it one of the following? (select one):

  • a building or group of buildings □

  • a monument or site (an area of archaeological remains or a structure other than a building) □

  • a place (e.g. a street, park, garden or natural space) □

  • a landscape (an area defined by visual features or character, e.g. a city centre, village, suburb or field system) □

  • Other (Please specify): 

Is it in a Conservation Area?


If so, which one?

Summary of Significance :

(A few lines/sentences describing the asset and its history)

Why is it valued locally? – Outline what it is about the asset that provides its interest and local value. Here you should describe why any of the following criteria makes the heritage significance of the asset stand out above the surrounding environment.



Architectural / Artistic Interest

Historic Interest / Association

Archaeological interest

Group value

Townscape or Landscape value

Is there another way you think it has special local value?

Sources of Information:
Make a note of where you have sourced your information.

It is important to remember that significance can be informed by available written records, for example the Historic Environment Record or records in published books, texts or articles i.e. Pevsner Architectural Guides or A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 6.