Write it up

You should aim to gather the following information for any heritage asset that you would like to nominate:

  • The address (including postcode)

  • A clear photo(s) of the heritage asset in full (See notes on taking photos)

  • A written description of the key features or characteristics; and

  • A summary of why it should be recognised on the Lancashire Local List

The better the research is in establishing and outlining the significance of the heritage asset, the better chance it has to be selected and added to the list. For best practice, it is recommended that you aim to collect and put forward the following information:

1. Address details – If you are struggling to determine a full address, you can always provide a description of the site; for example “50m north of the junction of the A585 and the A588”.

2. Grid reference – A grid reference determines the exact location of the heritage asset so that it can be viewed on a digital map. You can generate this online at websites such as: Mario Maps or Grid Reference Finder

3. Map - As a start, you could use Mario Maps, Google Maps or similar and take a ‘screen grab’ of the image to keep with your digital records.

To assist you in collecting the correct information, you could use the assessment/nomination form located here. This information will be asked for on the digital platform. Please note, not all the categories of value on the form are required and only some may apply to particular heritage assets.