
This page shows all published Local Heritage List Assets. For registered users, this page also shows candidates assets that are being prepared and assessed. If you are not registered but would like to see the candidates, please register. Sites may also be viewed on the interactive map.

Total assets: 4634
Name / Location
Wesleyan chapel, Bishopstone
Type: Building
Area: Central Buckinghamshire, Buckinghamshire
12 Jan 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Wesleyan chapel, Bishopstone
Wesleyan Chapel, Dullingham
Type: Building
Area: East Cambridgeshire, Cambridgeshire
01 Sep 2022
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Wesleyan Chapel, Dullingham
Wesleyan Chapel, Walkden
Type: Building
Area: Salford, Greater Manchester
07 Dec 2021
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Wesleyan Chapel, Walkden
Wesleyan Methodist Chapel (Offerton Methodist Church)
Type: Building
Area: Stockport, Greater Manchester
07 Dec 2021
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Wesleyan Methodist Chapel (Offerton Methodist Church)
Wesleyan Methodist Church, Clayton Street, Blackburn
Type: Building
Area: Blackburn with Darwen, Lancashire
08 Oct 2021
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Wesleyan Methodist Church, Clayton Street, Blackburn
'Wesley Cottage', Urmston
Type: Building
Area: Trafford, Greater Manchester
01 Apr 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for 'Wesley Cottage', Urmston
Wesley Methodist Church
Type: Building
Area: West Buckinghamshire, Buckinghamshire
12 Jan 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Wesley Methodist Church
West Bank
Type: Building
Area: Trafford, Greater Manchester
24 Jul 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for West Bank
West Barn
Type: Building
Area: East Buckinghamshire, Buckinghamshire
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for West Barn
West Cottage
Type: Building
Area: Trafford, Greater Manchester
16 May 2022
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for West Cottage
West Cottage & Sunset View
Type: Building
Area: Trafford, Greater Manchester
06 Jun 2022
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for  West Cottage & Sunset View
West Dene, 45 Orchehill Avenue
Type: Building
Area: South Buckinghamshire, Buckinghamshire
10 Jan 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for West Dene, 45 Orchehill Avenue
West End Farm
Type: Building
Area: Central Buckinghamshire, Buckinghamshire
12 Jan 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for West End Farm
Westgate Canal Bridge, Westgate, Burnley
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Burnley District, Lancashire
08 Oct 2021
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Westgate Canal Bridge, Westgate, Burnley
Westgate Mill, Sandygate, Burnley
Type: Building
Area: Burnley District, Lancashire
08 Oct 2021
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Westgate Mill, Sandygate, Burnley
Westholm, 29 Orchehill Avenue
Type: Building
Area: South Buckinghamshire, Buckinghamshire
10 Jan 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for  Westholm, 29 Orchehill Avenue
West Lynn
Type: Building
Area: Trafford, Greater Manchester
20 Jun 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for West Lynn
West Timperley Station
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Trafford, Greater Manchester
18 Apr 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for West Timperley Station
Westwood Lodge
Type: Building
Area: Salford, Greater Manchester
07 Dec 2021
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Westwood Lodge
W. Gibson Ltd. (Mill)
Type: Building
Area: Salford, Greater Manchester
07 Dec 2021
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for W. Gibson Ltd. (Mill)
Whaddon First School, Stock Lane, Whaddon
Type: Building
Area: North Buckinghamshire, Buckinghamshire
10 Jan 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Whaddon First School, Stock Lane, Whaddon
Whaddon House, Whaddon
Type: Building
Area: North Buckinghamshire, Buckinghamshire
10 Jan 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Whaddon House, Whaddon
Whalley Farm, Whalley Lane, Stanley
Type: Building
Area: Blackpool, Lancashire
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Whalley Farm, Whalley Lane, Stanley
Wharf House,
Type: Building
Area: North Buckinghamshire, Buckinghamshire
10 Jan 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Wharf House,
Total assets: 4634