
This page shows all published Local Heritage List Assets. For registered users, this page also shows candidates assets that are being prepared and assessed. If you are not registered but would like to see the candidates, please register. Sites may also be viewed on the interactive map.

Total assets: 4698
Name / Location
Wyndthorpe Hall Grounds, Dunsville Historic Park & Garden
Type: Park or garden
Area: Doncaster District, South Yorkshire
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Wyndthorpe Hall Grounds, Dunsville Historic Park & Garden
Type: Building
Area: Trafford, Greater Manchester
24 Jul 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Wynyards
Wyvern Cottage
Type: Building
Area: Trafford, Greater Manchester
18 Apr 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Wyvern Cottage
Yates, 100, Promenade / Market Street, Talbot
Type: Building
Area: Blackpool, Lancashire
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Yates, 100, Promenade / Market Street, Talbot
Yates Farmstead, 90, Whittingham Lane, Broughton
Type: Building
Area: Preston District, Lancashire
07 Oct 2021
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Yates Farmstead, 90, Whittingham Lane, Broughton
Yates, Promenade, Bloomfield
Type: Building
Area: Blackpool, Lancashire
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Yates, Promenade, Bloomfield
Yewbank and Millbank
Type: Building
Area: Trafford, Greater Manchester
24 Jul 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Yewbank and Millbank
Yew Bank Cottage
Type: Building
Area: Trafford, Greater Manchester
31 Mar 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Yew Bank Cottage
Yew Tree Farm
Type: Building
Area: North Buckinghamshire, Buckinghamshire
10 Jan 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Yew Tree Farm
Yew Tree Farm
Type: Building
Area: Trafford, Greater Manchester
20 Mar 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Yew Tree Farm
Yew Tree House, 2 Hill Row, Haddenham
Type: Building
Area: East Cambridgeshire, Cambridgeshire
02 Sep 2024
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Yew Tree House, 2 Hill Row, Haddenham
Yew Tree House & Marlowes
Type: Building
Area: Trafford, Greater Manchester
24 Jul 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Yew Tree House & Marlowes
Yew Tree Public House, Dill Hall Brow / Nick Hilton's Lane, Heath Charnock
Type: Building
Area: Chorley District, Lancashire
08 Oct 2021
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Yew Tree Public House, Dill Hall Brow / Nick Hilton's Lane, Heath Charnock
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: East Buckinghamshire, Buckinghamshire
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for YONDER LODGE, Elm Road, TYLERS GREEN: kiln
York House, 10 Chaucer Road, Cambridge (Trumpington Ward)
Type: Building
Area: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for York House, 10 Chaucer Road, Cambridge (Trumpington Ward)
York Road Preserved Romano-British settlement
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Doncaster District, South Yorkshire
14 Aug 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for York Road Preserved Romano-British settlement
Youngman House, 1 Wilberforce Road, Cambridge (Newnham Ward)
Type: Building
Area: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Youngman House, 1 Wilberforce Road, Cambridge (Newnham Ward)
Zion Burial Ground, Kirkgate, Kirkham
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Fylde District, Lancashire
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Zion Burial Ground, Kirkgate, Kirkham
Zion Chapel & railings, Ely
Type: Building
Area: East Cambridgeshire, Cambridgeshire
01 Sep 2022
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Zion Chapel & railings, Ely
Zion Hall
Type: Building
Area: East Buckinghamshire, Buckinghamshire
11 Jan 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Zion Hall
Zion Sabbath School, Attercliffe
Type: Building
Area: Sheffield District, South Yorkshire
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Zion Sabbath School, Attercliffe
Zizinias Villas
Type: Building
Area: Trafford, Greater Manchester
19 Apr 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Zizinias Villas

Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for
Total assets: 4698