The Local Heritage Lists are administered by the Cambridgeshire Historic Environment Record (CHER) and cover the five local planning authorities of Cambridge City, East Cambridgeshire, Fenland, Huntingdonshire and South Cambridgeshire. In the pages for each district, you will find information about some of the heritage assets that contribute to the local character, along with suggestions for further study.
Cambridge City Council and East Cambridgeshire District Council already have adopted Local Lists. The remaining 3 Districts do not currently have adopted Local Heritage Lists. They do however, have an ambition stated in their Local Plans to create Local Heritage Lists. The project will look to create new lists for these Districts and enhance the ones that are already in existence.
It is anticipated that each District list will remain an open and active document. They are not exhaustive and further candidates for Local listing will continually come forward. They will allow for change and loss to be recorded and for new assets to be discovered, or existing assets reassessed, should more information come to light. These will not include everything that could be potentially listed, and new candidates for local listing are likely to come forward in the development management process. We actively encourage members of the public to continue to put forward candidates.
If you would like to find out what research has already been done on the historic environment of Cambridgeshire, or find out about research priorities, go to the East of England Regional Research Frameworks for more information.