What does it mean if my property is added to the List?
The Local Listing designation first and foremost recognises the special historic or architectural interest and significance of a heritage asset to your local area and its character. The designation does not put in place any further requirements within the planning system for making alterations to your home, or site, other than those that already exist. You should contact your Local Authority Planning Department to establish what permissions will be required.
A heritage asset included on a Local List is a heritage asset that has been determined to be of local interest and significant and as such meriting consideration within the planning process. This means that it can be considered against heritage planning policies when an application that would affect its significance is received by a Local Authority. This does not prevent change, but instead helps ensure that the significance of the asset is recognised.
A non-designated heritage asset may still be considered against planning policy without being included upon a Local List of Heritage Assets, but being part of the Local List makes this type of heritage asset easier to identify.