Frequently asked questions

What is a Local Heritage List?

Local Heritage Lists aim to identify buildings and heritage assets which, whilst not meeting the national designation criteria, (including Listed Buildings, Scheduled Monuments, Registered Parks and  Gardens and Registered Battlefields) are important at a local level. These enable the significance of any building or site on the list to be better taken into account in planning applications affecting the building or site or its setting. Once on the list, these assets become known as Non-Designated Heritage Assets (NDHAs)

Will local listing of my property mean I need to apply for planning permission to make changes to my property?

Unlike Listed Building or Conservation Area designation, Local Listing does not affect your Permitted Development Rights in any way. There is no separate process of consent, as there is with Listed Building Consent.

Where Planning Permission is required in any case, local listing will be a material consideration under Local Planning Policy. This does not prevent change, but instead helps ensure that the significance of the asset is recognised.

Are there already Local Lists in Cambridgeshire?

Yes, but not all Districts have them at present and they only focus on built structures. This project looks to address this, widening the scope to other heritage assets and ensuring that all Districts have a Local Heritage List. In the future people will be able to see all locally listed buildings and heritage assets via the project website.

East Cambridgeshire and Cambridge City have local lists.

East Cambs adopted list

Cambridge City Council

How will nominations be put forward to the Local List?

The nominations will be considered by an assessment panel comprised of local project volunteers, and heritage professionals to check that they satisfy the criteria for selection. These selected candidates will be taken forward by the individual District Councils for adoption on to a Local List. Once adopted these Lists will be published on this project website and each of the District Council’s websites.

What are the selection Criteria?

Nominations will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Rarity
  • Architectural and Artistic
  • Group Value
  • Archaeological Interest
  • Historic Interest

Please see the Criteria section of project website for more detail

How do I nominate a site?

Please see the Get involved section of project website

How can I check if a site meets the criteria for selection?

Please see the Criteria section of project website

How can I volunteer?

Please see the Get involved section of project website

Is there a deadline for nominations?

No, the Cambridgeshire Local Heritage List project is piloting the process of nominating candidates for local heritage listing. It is anticipated that the Cambridgeshire Local Heritage List will continue to evolve and accept new nominations going forward.

Will local list nominations be put forward for national listing?

There is a long-established mechanism for national Listing, putting candidates forward for national listing is not part of this project.  On occasions volunteers nominating candidates for the Local List may feel that they have sufficient evidence that the asset meets the higher thresholds of Architectural, Archaeological or Historic Value required for Statutory designation. In such cases they may wish to submit a separate application to Historic England for the asset to be considered for National Listing. The requirements for different types of assets are set out in Historic England’s ‘Listing Selection Guides’ available here