Group value applies to groupings of assets with a design or historic relationship. Not all heritage assets stand alone within more recent landscapes and townscapes, some derive their importance from being part of a collection of assets. Although the standing remains of a water mill could be nominated for the list in its own right, it may have more significance when viewed along with the landscape of its water supply, including dam, goits and weir, which would illustrate the use of the site more clearly. In the same way, a Miners Welfare building may be nominated, but gain in significance when combined with other assets, such as workers housing and any remains of the pit complex, which would give a more comprehensive view of the character of the mining village as a whole. In some cases, heritage assets may have been originally intended to exist as part of a wider grouping, such as a model settlement or manufacturing complex, and in these instances all of the surviving elements of the original group should be considered together.
When assessing if the heritage asset you wish to nominate has Group Value, look at other sites in the surrounding area. Are there assets of a similar nature or which relate to the same phase, activity or event? Remember that assets within a grouping do not have to be of the same type, so buildings and buried remains, or landscapes and monuments can all be viewed together and contribute to Group Value.
Here are the Group Value criteria for each asset type:
Buildings/Structures - Does the asset have additional value from being part of a planned or designed group or having a historic relationship with other heritage assets?
Parks, Gardens & Designed Landscapes - Does the asset have additional value from being part of a planned or designed group or having a historic relationship with other heritage assets?
Archaeological Sites - Does the asset have additional value from forming part of a known archaeological landscape? Does it have a relationship with other heritage assets?
Commemorative Monuments/Memorials/Statues - Does the asset have additional value from being part of a planned or designed group or have a historic relationship with other heritage assets?
Places/Areas - Does the place have additional value from component elements forming a planned or designed group or having a historic relationship with other heritage assets?