Is your Asset suitable for National Listing?
With such a wide range of heritage assets in South Yorkshire, it's very possible that some of them will have a significance or characteristics that make them of national importance. In the process of nominating an asset for Local Heritage Listing, you may discover a previously unknown aspect that makes it clear a heritage asset has a national significance not previously recognised. For example, it may be a rare example of its kind in the country. In cases like this, you might want to consider submitting it for inclusion on to the National Heritage List for England (NHLE).
The NHLE is the official register of all nationally designated historic buildings, places and sites in England - including listed buildings, scheduled monuments, registered parks and gardens, protected wrecks, and battlefields. The NHLE is added to following research and applications by members of the public - anyone with an interest in the history and heritage of the country. In this way it remains an accurate and accessible record of our most important national heritage assets.
Similarly, if a site is already on the National List but you have new information, you can use that to enrich the list with additional information.