If there is a historic place in your local area that is significant to you or your local community, it can be nominated for inclusion on the South Yorkshire Local Heritage List - as long as it isn't already nationally designated. All heritage assets nominated will be assessed against the selection criteria to determine if they qualify for inclusion on the list. The local knowledge and information gathered during the nomination of an asset will also be used to contribute to the South Yorkshire Historic Environment Record (HER). Even if the nominated asset doesn't make it onto the Local Heritage List, the information you provide will still help to increase our knowledge and understanding of South Yorkshire's past.
All types of heritage asset are eligible for nomination, including buildings, monuments, designed landscapes and places; these all add to the distinctiveness and historical value of an area like South Yorkshire. A local heritage asset is not the same as a Community Asset. Those are assets owned or managed by the local community, including those transferred from a Local Authority, and are often centred on buildings or land. However, there is no reason why a Community Asset could not also be nominated for inclusion on the Local Heritage List..
Once nominations have been submitted, they will be assessed against the Local Heritage List criteria. If more than one nomination is made for the same candidate asset, information from the nominations will be combined and assessed as a single submission. Following this, successful candidates will be added to the South Yorkshire Local Heritage List. If a nomination has been unsuccessful, it can be submitted again at a later date if new information or research on the asset comes to light.