For those looking for more creative ways to explore Sheffield's industrial past, you may be interested in "Crafting the Past - empowering communities through creative writing, visual narratives, memory and place-making". This is a new collaborative project between Joined Up Heritage Sheffield and the University of Sheffield,  led by Dr Gui Pozzer (Department of Archaeology). 

Rotherham formerly adopted the recommendations of the South Yorkshire Local Heritage List on the 26th April, confirming 72 candidates. This is a great result for everyone who put in these nominations - thank you!

We were pleased to announce earlier this year that the 4 South Yorkshire local authorities found funding to maintain the Local Heritage List website up to March 2025, which means that the nomination process is still open and we have a next round of candidates ready for you to see!

It’s been a whole year since the Local Heritage List was launched, and in that time we have achieved so much for the protection of heritage in South Yorkshire!  We’ve managed to get council approval for the list in all 4 Local Authorities of Barnsley, Rotherham and Sheffield and Doncaster very close to completing this process. We’ve also had over 250 nominations from across the region, of which 56, so far, have been formally listed with the rest ready to be assessed or approved by the four councils, so thank you for all of your nominations, they’ve been amazing! The other good news is that the planning departments in all four councils are now looking at how they can increase the protection for locally listed assets, which will make the list even more important for heritage protection.

Summer is an exciting time for everybody, with the prospect of good weather and holidays on the horizon, but for the Local Heritage List it has been particularly positive as we have been able to add our first new locally listed assets! Well done and a big thank you to everyone who has nominated, contributed and commented, we hope you’re all as pleased as we are!

Our newly listed assets come from Barnsley and Sheffield and will be the first of many from across South Yorkshire as we are getting close to formal adoption in Rotherham and Doncaster too.