The Wellington PH


1 Henry St, Netherthorpe/Shalesmoor, S3 7EQ



Roofed and walled permanent structures.


Built in 1839, the Wellington became owned by the nearby A.H.Smith and Company, Don Brewery. In 1916, Tennants bought out Smiths, then following the 1962 takeover, Whitbread ran the pub. The Wellington was refitted in 1940 and retains many fixtures in the three-roomed layout from that time. The previous layout included a Smoke Room, Small Tap Room, Tap Room and Public Bar. The former tap room on the front right had minor changes and became the Smoke Room and the rooms on the left of the door (smoke room, tiny public bar and the servery) were converted into the new Tap Room (Architect: Wiggfull, Inott & Ridgeway for Messrs Tennant Bros.Ltd). The late 1980s saw the pub becoming rundown, many original features becoming hidden. It became a free house in 1993. At that time, the walls and ceilings were yellow and the bar was covered with hardboard. This was removed and stripped back to bare wood, before stain and varnish were added. Over a period of some years, the building was renovated. The window frames were stripped and repainted, the wood was stained dark and varnished, the walls were papered and boarding was removed from the door to the toilets. The pub was renamed as The Cask and Cutler, establishing the Port Mahon Brewery in 2000. In 2006, the pub changed hands, the new owner reinstating the old name and, after a two year pause, restarting and renaming the brewery as Little Ale Cart. Brewing ceased in 2016, when the pub was taken on by Sheaf Inns - joining two other pubs, the Blake and the Sheaf View, in a small local group. The pub was closed for a period, redecoration and some refurbishment occurring. It reopened in late September 2016 as the brewery tap for the nearby Neepsend Brewery. A passageway from the front door to the lobby bar area has a terrazzo floor, interwar tiling to two thirds height and double internal doors with leaded glazed panels. The lobby bar has a terrazzo floor, and retains the 1940 ply panelled bar counter (but it has been pushed back some 18 inches in recent years) and bar back fitting. There is some modification to the bar back such as small mirror pieces from the 1960s, and fridges and a glass washer have replaced two-thirds of lower shelving. A 2016 refurbishment introduced shelving to both the left and right of the bar area, including the two stained glass windows above the lounge bar. The panelling on the walls of the lobby bar area and (painted) pine ceiling were installed in 1978. A door on the left with a leaded glazed panel in the top and the figure 3 leads to the tap room with interwar fixed seating around most of it; it retains the 1940 ply panelled bar counter with a dark stain added. The exterior has 1930s stained and leaded windows and the fireplace is Victorian style. The piece of wall near the counter is a modern addition having closed a gap created when the lobby bar counter was pushed back. There are good exterior interwar (Tennants) leaded windows. The front smoke room on the right has a wide gap to the lobby with more 1930s exterior windows but the fixed seating is post-war and it has lost its fireplace. The terrazzo floor continues to the right with another door with 1930s stained and leaded windows and the figure 1 and beyond is a terrazzo passage that goes past a door with the figure 5 on it. The Ladies’ toilet has a 1930s door and terrazzo floor (modern tiles); the Gents’ toilet is modern. Notes: from (with permission) Pickersgill,D. (Editor, 2021) Sheffield's Real Heritage Pubs (4th.Edition) CAMRA. Sheffield reference: Sheffield Archives: MC/20/5/245


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Building - Public House, listed on the CAMRA national Pub Heritage site as of some regional importance:


Built in 1839, the Wellington became owned by the nearby A.H.Smith and Company, Don Brewery. In 1916, Tennants bought out Smiths, then following the 1962 takeover, Whitbread ran the pub.


This is a rare example whose layout has been unchanged for over seventy years. The Wellington was refitted in 1940 and retains many fixtures in the three-roomed layout from that time

Architectural and Artistic Interest

Architect informed refurbishment early/mid 20th century - information in the Sheffield Archives reference supplied in description. There are good exterior interwar (Tennants) leaded windows. Such windows are relatively rare across Sheffield: the main trading area of Sheffield-based, Tennants Brewery who were taken over by Whitbread in 1962.

Historic Interest

This is a rare and relatively unchanged pub dating from the early C19th.

Images and Documents


The Wellington Public House


The bar at the Wellington


Internal Tennants windows at the Wellington


Tap Room at the Wellington

Date Listed

18 Sep 2023

Last Updated

12 Jun 2023

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