Furnace Hill Crucible Furnace


Beneath Westbar House, 70 Furnace Hill, Sheffield, S3 7BZ


Other site, structure or landscape

Assets that cannot fit any of the other categories. This category includes sites of archaeological interest, where the original form and function may not be apparent without the use of archaeological techniques and interpretation.


Preserved buried remains of a crucible furnace on the probable site of Samuel Shore's steelworks.


Statement of Significance

Asset type

Preserved archaeological site.


The crucible furnace dates from between the mid-1830s and late 1840s.


The remains at the site were curated for preservation in situ. Though Sheffield produced thousands of tons of crucible steel during nineteenth century using a fundamentally small-scale craft process, the severe decline of the metal trades industries in the late twentieth century resulted in the demolition of large numbers of its associated buildings, and around only eighteen furnaces known to survive. Buried remains have also been subject to great loss owing to subsequent redevelopment on former industrial sites within the centre of Sheffield. The remains at the site were recommended for preservation in situ.

Group Value

Research has confirmed that crucible and cementation furnaces were particularly associated with Sheffield and its environs, with innovation and development of the technology directly contributing to the city's international pre-eminence of reputation in the manufacturing of quality metal goods. The survival of important steel making structures at this site preserves evidence of this important technology and forms part of an important curated group of remains across the city that have been identified for preservation in situ.

Historic Interest

The site forms part of Samuel Shore's former steel works, which is attributed with being the first works in Sheffield to have a cementation furnace which were first mentioned in 1716.

Archaeological Interest

The crucible furnace at Furnace Hill represents a comparatively early example and is unusual in its relatively small size. The latter is suggestive of a small-scale workshop-based industry as opposed to the larger furnaces of the steel producers, and therefore represents a significant comparator. In addition, the furnace is associated with industrial residues which will preserve evidence of the nature and composition of steel production at the site.

Images and Documents


Crucible furnace during excavation in 2008


Site plan. The crucible furnace is shown in the south-west corner of the site


Extent of area investigated archaeologically

Date Listed


Last Updated

17 Oct 2023

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