
This page shows all published Local Heritage List Assets. For registered users, this page also shows candidates assets that are being prepared and assessed. If you are not registered but would like to see the candidates, please register. Sites may also be viewed on the interactive map.

Total assets: 447
Name / Location
Whirlow Brook Park Historic Park & Garden
Type: Park or garden
Area: Sheffield District
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Whirlow Brook Park Historic Park & Garden
Whirlow Court Historic Park & Garden
Type: Park or garden
Area: Sheffield District
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Whirlow Court Historic Park & Garden
Whirlow Hall Conservation Area
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Sheffield District
Conservation Area
thumbnail image for Whirlow Hall Conservation Area
Whiston Conservation Area
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Rotherham District
Conservation Area
thumbnail image for Whiston Conservation Area
Whitley Romano-British Settlement
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Barnsley District
16 Apr 2024
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Whitley Romano-British Settlement
Wickersley Conservation Area
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Rotherham District
Conservation Area
thumbnail image for Wickersley Conservation Area
Wiggan Farm farmhouse and barn
Type: Building
Area: Sheffield District
15 Aug 2022
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Wiggan Farm farmhouse and barn
William Nuttall Cottage Homes (Doncaster) Conservation Area
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Doncaster District
Conservation Area
thumbnail image for William Nuttall Cottage Homes (Doncaster) Conservation Area
Wilsic Hall Grounds, Wilsic Historic Park & Garden
Type: Park or garden
Area: Doncaster District
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Wilsic Hall Grounds, Wilsic Historic Park & Garden
Wincobank Picture Palace
Type: Building
Area: Sheffield District
15 Aug 2022
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Wincobank Picture Palace
Wolf Wheel (Rivelin Waterpower Sites)
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Sheffield District
15 Aug 2022
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Wolf Wheel (Rivelin Waterpower Sites)
Wombwell Carnegie Library
Type: Building
Area: Barnsley District
26 Aug 2022
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Wombwell Carnegie Library
Wombwell - Council Offices
Type: Building
Area: Barnsley District
26 Aug 2022
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Wombwell - Council Offices
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Woodland Hall Grounds/Highfields Country Park, Woodlands Historic Park & Garden
Woodlands Conservation Area
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Doncaster District
Conservation Area
thumbnail image for Woodlands Conservation Area
Woodland View Historic Park & Garden
Type: Park or garden
Area: Sheffield District
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Woodland View Historic Park & Garden
Woodsetts Conservation Area
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Rotherham District
Conservation Area
thumbnail image for Woodsetts Conservation Area
Worsbrough Conservation Area
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Barnsley District
Conservation Area
thumbnail image for Worsbrough Conservation Area
Wortley Conservation Area
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Barnsley District
Conservation Area
thumbnail image for Wortley Conservation Area
Wyndthorpe Hall Grounds, Dunsville Historic Park & Garden
Type: Park or garden
Area: Doncaster District
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Wyndthorpe Hall Grounds, Dunsville Historic Park & Garden
York Road Preserved Romano-British settlement
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Doncaster District
14 Aug 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for York Road Preserved Romano-British settlement
Zion Sabbath School, Attercliffe
Type: Building
Area: Sheffield District
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Zion Sabbath School, Attercliffe
Total assets: 447