
This page shows all published Local Heritage List Assets. For registered users, this page also shows candidates assets that are being prepared and assessed. If you are not registered but would like to see the candidates, please register. Sites may also be viewed on the interactive map.

Total assets: 447
Name / Location
The Queens Hotel
Type: Building
Area: Rotherham District
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for The Queens Hotel
The Stone Roses Bar, Wellington Street
Type: Building
Area: Barnsley District
07 May 2024
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for The Stone Roses Bar, Wellington Street
The Towers Historic Park & Garden
Type: Park or garden
Area: Sheffield District
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for The Towers Historic Park & Garden
The Villa, Hood Green
Type: Building
Area: Barnsley District
03 May 2024
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for The Villa, Hood Green
The Wath Double Culverts
Type: Building
Area: Rotherham District
23 May 2024
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for The Wath Double Culverts
The Wellington PH
Type: Building
Area: Sheffield District
18 Sep 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for The Wellington PH
Third Coppice Wheel (Rivelin Waterpower Sites)
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Sheffield District
15 Aug 2022
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Third Coppice Wheel (Rivelin Waterpower Sites)
Thornbury Hospital Historic Park & Garden
Type: Park or garden
Area: Sheffield District
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Thornbury Hospital Historic Park & Garden
Thorne Carnegie Library
Type: Building
Area: Doncaster District
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Thorne Carnegie Library
Thorne - Central Conservation Area
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Doncaster District
Conservation Area
thumbnail image for Thorne - Central Conservation Area
Thorne Road (Doncaster) Conservation Area
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Doncaster District
Conservation Area
thumbnail image for Thorne Road (Doncaster) Conservation Area
Thorpe Hesley Conservation Area
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Rotherham District
Conservation Area
thumbnail image for Thorpe Hesley Conservation Area
Thorpe Salvin Conservation Area
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Rotherham District
Conservation Area
thumbnail image for Thorpe Salvin Conservation Area
Throapham Farm House
Type: Building
Area: Rotherham District
23 May 2024
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Throapham Farm House
Thurlstone Conservation Area
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Barnsley District
Conservation Area
thumbnail image for Thurlstone Conservation Area
Tickhill Castle, Tickhill Historic Park & Garden
Type: Park or garden
Area: Doncaster District
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Tickhill Castle, Tickhill Historic Park & Garden
Tickhill Conservation Area
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Doncaster District
Conservation Area
thumbnail image for Tickhill Conservation Area
Tin Mill
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Barnsley District
26 Aug 2022
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Tin Mill
Tinsley Carnegie Library
Type: Building
Area: Sheffield District
15 Aug 2022
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Tinsley Carnegie Library
Tinsley Council School war memorial
Type: Landmark, art work or way finder
Area: Sheffield District
15 Aug 2022
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Tinsley Council School war memorial
Tommy Flockton's Field
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Rotherham District
23 May 2024
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Tommy Flockton's Field
Totley Conservation Area
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Sheffield District
Conservation Area
thumbnail image for Totley Conservation Area
Town Field Conservation Area
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Doncaster District
Conservation Area
thumbnail image for Town Field Conservation Area
Town Wells
Type: Other site, structure or landscape
Area: Rotherham District
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Town Wells
Travellers Rest PH
Type: Building
Area: Sheffield District
18 Sep 2023
Locally Listed
thumbnail image for Travellers Rest PH
Total assets: 447